Conditional Logic has been added to both internal Data Entry Forms and Public Forms. Conditional logic adds the ability to hide or display fields and sections based on the values of other fields. For example, only show billing details if the field "Billable?" is checked.
Data archiving - allows the Site Administrator to archive and purge issues and related data from the RMTrack database using a predefined "rule".
New feature released with Version 6.0:
eSignatures - allows workflow resolution states to require password verification before allowing an issue to be saved
User Custom Fields - allows up to three custom dropdown fields to be added to the user details
Issue Rules - to allow “actions” (e.g. issue assignment, email notification, field value setting) to be performed when a saved issue meets certain test conditions
Public Forms – to allow issue creation access to non RMTrack users by providing a new data entry form that does not require log in
Project Administrators – enhanced access for project administrators to administrative functions e.g. workflows, data entry forms, etc.
Attachment settings – ability to configure maximum upload size and permitted file extensions