Site Option - User Custom Fields
User Custom Fields
Up to three custom fields can be added to the User Details records to store additional information related to a user, for example, location or department. Custom user fields will appear on the User Details page and as additional columns on the User List page.
Custom user fields must be a dropdown type field and are based on code tables that have been previously added. The code tables must be "global code tables" i.e. not per project or dependent on other code tables.
When you enable a custom user field you must select a code table for the field to be based on from the available list in the dropdown. Each custom user field must also have a field label to display on the user details and user list pages.
Custom User fields can be set as "required" when creating or updating a user record.
NOTE: Existing users will have their custom user fields set to the "default" value in the code table. Users created through the Project Wizard or Data Importer will also have their custom user fields set to the default value of the code table.
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