When using a Report Layout/Organization type of
report you can have a
Field Type of
Hyperlink to create hyperlinks in the output of the report.
There are 4 types of hyperlinks available:
Link to an e-mail client (i.e. mailto:)
Link to another RMTrack report
Link to any other web page
When the report runs, these fields behave as regular web page hyperlinks:
NOTE: The report shown on this page is part of the Example Reports package download and contains examples of all four types of hyperlinks.. This report is called "Example - Hyperlinks".
The User Defined Format setting of the Layout Details controls each hyperlinks' address (more precisely the link’s href attribute).
User Defined Format for Hyperlinks:
1. Issue Details hyperlink
A macro is available to create a link directly to the Issue Details page for a particular issue. Generally this hyperlink is used in reports that display one row for each issue. Usually the hyperlink would be placed on the IssueId (or IssueNumber) field but could be on any filed related to the issue.
The field Issues.IssueId must be part of the SQL query result set for the macro to work.
The user defined format for this type of hyperlink is: [url:IssueDetails]
2. E-Mail (mailto:) hyperlink
An example of this hyperlink would be to place it on the AssignedToUser field or perhaps the CreatedByUserId field to facilitate sending an e-mail to these users. The mailto: hyperlink requires that the default e-mail client is known to the browser and that client will be opened when the hyperlink is selected. It is possible to pass result set fields in the mailto string, for example the user e-mail and the IssueId (both must be part of the SQL query result set).
An example of a user defined format for this type of hyperlink is: mailto:[UserEMail]?subject=Regarding Issue [IssueId]
3. Subreport hyperlink
A hyperlink in a report can be a link to another RMTrack Custom report and the "parent" report will pass parameters to the "child" report. This allows for the creation of drilldown type reporting. For example you could have a report that sums all the issues assigned to each user and place a hyperlink on the user id that calls a another report that reports the details of each issue assigned to that user.
The user define format for this type of link is: [url:Report:SubReportName] (Where SubReportName is the name of the report to be called)
4. Web page hyperlink
Any web page URL can be addressed using this type of hyperlink. It is possible to pass result set fields in the URL query string. An example of its use might be referencing a knowledge base. For example, if you had a field on your issue that referenced a KB article number, you could pass that field in the hyperlink.
An example of a user defined format for this type of hyperlink is: http://www.yourcompany.com/knowledgebase/?kb=[kbarticle] (Where kbarticle is a field in the SQL query result set)