The Report and Report (auto format) types are used to generate standard column and row reports. You specify which columns from the query’s result set are to be displayed, in what order, on how many rows and how each column is to be formatted.
NOTE: The example reports shown on this page are part of the Example Reports package download. This report is called "Example - Top Ten Oldest".
Report (auto format)
All the columns from the result set are displayed using “General” formatting options with column headings labeled with the field names returned from the SQL Query. This layout type can be useful for simple reports or for reports where the columns of the result set are not predetermined (e.g. a result set generated by a cross tab). If the Report (auto format) type is chosen there are no settings for the report layout.
Report (customizable formatting)
When the Layout/Organization "Report" is chosen, a second option appears for "Report Appearance" with four options available:
1. Fancy List
Fancy list uses the same formatting as the RMTrack application uses for "list" style pages (e.g. User List, Project List). The leftmost column is blue when the the field type is hyperlink. Rows highlight as you mouseover them. Column widths are adjustable by the user and the report uses the entire width of the browser window.
2. Simple list
Simple list uses standard blue underlines to show hyperlinks, columns widths are not adjustable and the report uses the minimum width based on the fields.
3. Custom
Custom allows for custom CSS classes to be defined to control the appearance of the HTML elements in the report. The classes need to be placed in the CustomStyles.css file in the Custom directory of your RMTrack installation folder. Please contact if assistance with this option is needed.
4. None
No formatting of the report is done.
Layout Details
Except when using Report (auto format), each field to be reported must be added to the Layout Details section. The above report uses this layout:
In the above example report, note the the first column is pale blue indicating it is a link to the issue, like on the main issue list page. When a field is defined as a hyperlink and it appears in the first column of the report, RMTrack will use this pale blue column link display. Click here for more information about hyperlinks in reports.
Each row of the Layout Details represents a column in the report. Any number of columns can be added to a report.
To add a new column, fill in the required settings and click the Add Field button. Once a field has been added you can modify the settings by clicking the Edit link beside the field settings, making changes and the clicking Update.
The order of fields can be adjusted by using the up and down arrows at the far right of the field row.
Layout Detail Settings
The row the column will appear on. The first row is formatted with column labels above the column, subsequent rows are formatted with side labels on the left
Field Type
The following 4 types are supported:
A field from the query’s result set
A clickable link to an issue, a URL, a subreport, or a mail client
If the Field Type is Field then this is the name of the field in the SQL result set. If the Field Type is Subreport then this is the name of the subreport
The column label for the field. Or the title for a subreport.
How the field is aligned: Left, Right or Center
Named Format
The format to use for the field. Values supported are:
User Defined
Medium Date
Long Date
General Date
Short Time
Short Date
Medium Time
General Number
Short Datetime
Long Time
User Defined Format
If the named format is User Defined then the field’s format is based on the supplied custom format. Custom formats are produced using VBA Script standard functions (i.e. the same Format() function used by MS Word and MS Excel).