Incoming E-Mail Addresses
Incoming E-Mail Filters
E-Mail filters control whether or not an incoming e-mail will be accepted or rejected. There are four filters types available:
An e-mail that matches one or more Approved filters will always be accepted. An e-mail that matches one or more Blocked filters will be rejected unless it also matches an approved filter (the approved lists take precedence).
Without any blocked filters defined, everything is accepted. Only having an Approved filter will not change anything – you also need a Blocked filter.
You can use wildcards (*) in the filter. For example an Approved E-Mail Addresses filter with *@rmtrack.com will accept any e-mail from anyone at rmtrack.com.
A common use of this feature would be to create a Blocked E-Mail Addresses filter that contains * (this will block all e-mails from all addresses) then create an Approved E-Mail Addresses filter with *@yourclient.com. This will allow e-mails from your client’s domain only.
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