Issue Rule Details
Issue Rule Details

Rule Name

1. Rule Name
Each rule must have a unique name. There is a Copy… link on existing rules to facilitate recreating similar rules.


2. Disabled
Rules can be disabled by checking the box and saving. A disabled rule’s conditions will never be tested and its actions will never be performed.


3. Projects
Each rule must be applied to at least one project but can apply to multiple projects. Only active projects can be selected, no read-only or disabled projects will appear in the list.


4. Conditions
The When Will This Rule Apply section is where the conditions for the rule are defined. Whenever an issue is created or updated the conditions will be evaluated.
There is an option to Match ALL conditions or to Match ANY condition. If an issue matches the conditions defined for the rule then the actions defined in the Actions to Perform section will be executed.
Each rule must have at least one condition. Click here to see details for creating Issue Rule Conditions.
If the necessary condition can't be created using the Conditions user interface, it may be necessary to create "advanced criteria". The Advanced checkbox beside the When Will This Rule Apply removes the Conditions dialogue and allows the user to enter a free form SQL expression for the criteria.


5. Actions
When an issue save and the conditions defined under When this rule will apply are met, RMTrack will perform the Actions defined in this section. Action types can include:
  • Assignment actions including: Assigning the issue to a specific user, assigning the issue to the team lead of a group, assigning the issue to the ‘first available’ user from a list of users - a user that is disabled or out of office is ‘not available’.
  • Field initialization actions: Update any issue field to a specific value, except: the assigned to user, created by user, internal ‘system’ date fields and resolution/status cannot be updated in this manner.
  • Send e-mail notifications.
Click here to see details for creating Issue Rule Actions.
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