Clicking on + Add Condition will display a dropdown list of field names:
Clicking on a field name will allow a condition for that field to be entered. Depending on the type of the field selected, the form will present appropriate choices:
Text/Number fields:
For text and numeric fields the form will offer a simple freeform input box to enter the condition to match for. For example when Incoming Email Address contains you would expand the Incoming Email address field and enter in the input box and click OK:
User fields:
For system defined fields that contain a user ID (Assigned To, Created By and Last Updated By) a checkbox list of user IDs will be shown. A single user can be selected or multiple user IDs can be selected creating an OR condition. For example when Assigned To user = AndrewFergusan OR user = BettyBurns. At the bottom of the user list will by OK and Cancel buttons. To save the selection, OK must be clicked.
Global Code Table (dropdown) fields:
A field based on a global code table (dropdown) will show a checkbox list of values for that code table. A single value can be selected or multiple values can be selected creating an OR condition. For example when Issue Type = Coding OR Issue Type = Navigation. Click OK at the bottom to save the condition:
Dependent Code Table (dropdown) fields:
A field based on a dependent code table or a per project code table will show a freeform input box. The field will autocomplete based upon the available code table values as you start typing. Dependent code table fields do not support "OR" conditions. If this is needed you must create an Advanced condition (see below):
After a few keystrokes...
Checkbox fields:
A checkbox (yes/no) field will offer a choice of Checked or Unchecked - click on the value to select and add condition:
Date and date/time fields:
A date or date/time field will show a list of date ranges. The list also contains Is empty to allow a condition to match on a date field that has not been set (NULL):
Editing Conditions:
As conditions are added, the list of conditions will show an English-like summary of the conditions added. The dotted links in the condition text can be clicked to edit the choices for that condition:
Removing a Condition
At the bottom of each list of values for a field will be a choice of All, Any, Any time (date and date/time fields), Everyone (user fields), or Either (check box).
Selecting one of these is the equivalent of creating a “non” condition and the condition will be removed.
Advanced Criteria
The Advanced checkbox beside the When Will This Rule Apply selection allows the user to enter a free form SQL expression for the criteria:
Note that this requires a certain level of knowledge of SQL and the RMTrack databasw. Please contact for assistance.