To add a new Issue Field click the New button. To modify a field click on the Friendly Name. To delete an Issue Field, select the row by clicking anywhere to the right of the Friendly Name and then click the Delete button.
At the top of the Issue Fields page, RMTrack will list any defined issue fields that are not used on any Data Entry Forms, or are on a Data Entry Form but the form is not used by any Projects.
The Issue Fields page shows:
Friendly Name - the default label that will appear on the data entry form
Field Name - the internal database field name
Size (in bytes) - except Comment Log fields which are actually stored in a separate table and Computed fields which are calculated by SQL and not stored in the database
Data Entry Form(s) - a list of forms that use the field. Fields that are not used by any data entry form are noted above the list.
Description – a description of the field which can be used as help on the Data Entry Form.
Clicking on any of the column headers (except Forms) will sort the list by that column.