Workflow Configuration - Transition Object Properties
Properties for a transitions have three tabs:

General Tab:

Transition Object
The properties dialogue box for actions includes a name. Typically the name is one that explains the action being taken for example 'Resolved' or 'Overdue'. Names for actions are not mandatory and only appear as reference on the Workflow diagram and in the E-Mail Notification Rules setup.

Manual Tab:

There are two types of transitions; manual and automatic. Rules must be set for at least one type of transition. An transition can have both manual and automatic rules.
Manual transitions are transitions that occur when a user moves an issue from one resolution state to another.
The assignment properties are used to determine who the issue can be assigned to after the manual transition is completed:

Cannot be reassigned

The issue must remain assigned to the same user.

Must be assigned to original creator

The issue must be assigned back to the user that originally created the issue.

Can be assigned to any member of

Issues can be assigned to any member of the indicated group(s).
Allow “automatic” assignment to
This will present a "default" user ID for assignment on the issue details page.

Original Creator

Set the original creator as the default assignee.

Previous assignee

Set the last person before the current assignee as the default assignee

Group lead of

Set the lead of the designated group as the default assignee. If there is no group lead designated, there will be no “automatic” choice provided.

Automatic Tab:

Automatic transitions are transitions from one resolution state to another that happen automatically after a certain amount of time has passed. These are generally used to escalate an overdue issue or to close an issue after a period of time
The process is controlled by the RMTrack Job Scheduler, a background service installed with RMTrack that will run every ten minutes to determine if there are any automatic transitions to be performed.
Two options are available for the timing of the automatic transition:

After an elapsed time of

The automatic transition will occur after an issue has remained in its current resolution state for the number of hours entered.

After this date (or date & time) has passed

The automatic transition will occur after the date and contained in the selected field plus the entered number of hours. The field can be any date/time field in your database.
When the automatic transition occurs, the issue can remain assigned to the same user (uncheck the Reassign the issue to box). Or the issue can be automatically reassigned:

To the original creator

To the previous assigned

To the group lead of the indicated group

WARNING: When using the Assignment options “Original Creator” or “Previous Assignee” it is possible to assign the issue to a user who is no longer a member of the project. If the original creator (or previous assignee) has been deactivated or removed from the project, the automatic transition will still assign the issue to that user.
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