Multiple Instances of RMTrack
It is possible to have multiple instances (databases) of RMTrack installed on a server. Each separate database must have unique license keys.
To create, maintain and delete multiple instances of RMTrack on a single server the RMTrack Instance Manager program must be used.
The Instance Manager is also used to upgrade multiple instances of RMTrack to a new version. After upgrading versions of RMTrack, the installer will check to see if there are multiple instances of RMTrack on the server. If it finds other instances, the RMTrack Instance Manager will automatically start and allow you to upgrade the other instances by clicking the Upgrade All Instances button.
The Instance Manager is automatically installed when you install RMTrack the first time. It can be found on the web server under Start > All Programs > RMTrack Issue Tracking > Instance Manager:
When you start the instance manager you will see a list of all instances of RMTrack on the server. The Primary instance of RMTrack is the instance that was installed with the RMTrack installer and is the instance that is upgraded when a new release of RMTrack is installed. All other instances are Secondary and must be maintained and upgraded by using the instance manager.
NOTE: The Version number should always be the same for all instances of RMTrack. You cannot run different versions of RMTrack on the same server.
Double-clicking on an instance will bring up additional information about the Virtual Directory and the Database Connection properties for that instance.
To create a new instance of RMTrack select File > New Instance…
Enter a valid license key for the new database. A key of 1111-1111-1111-1111 will create a database with a 15 day trial period. Once the license key entered click the Next > button to go to the Website and Virtual Directory settings:
For more information on these settings, please see the Website and Virtual Directory Screen in New Installation. Click Next > to go to the Database Connection settings:
When all three settings tabs are complete click the OK button to create your new instance of RMTrack.
To delete an instance select the instance then go to File > Delete Instance. This will remove the Virtual Directory only. It will not delete the database.
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