The main page of RMTrack, the Issues List page, gives users the ability to filter issues, sort issues, search for phrases and select what fields to display in what position for the selected issues.
Collectively, these selection and display criteria are called "filters".
The Filters dropdown of the main menu allows the user to save the current filter, select another filter, publish filters, and delete filters.

Options under the Filters menu:


Save ...

Clicking save will save the current filter including selection criteria, fields displayed, sort criteria, column positions and widths.
You can give the current filter a new name or Overwrite the current filter. All users can create and save as many personal filters as needed.
Depending on the user's security type settings, they may be allowed to publish filters to All users or to Members of these projects.


Clicking delete will open a dialogue asking the user to confirm that they wish to delete the current filter. If the current filter is deleted, RMTrack will revert to the first filter of the user's own filters (My Filters) alphabetically.

If a user chooses to delete the their last remaining filter, RMTrack will recreate the filter Assigned to me (First 25 Open issues in Any project, and assigned to Myself) and will use the field selection and columns defined in the Default Layout by the site administrator.

My Filters

Each user will have a list of saved filters under My Filters. Selecting one of the filters from the list will change the issue list display to use that filter.
Filters that a user has published will be indicated with the symbol.

Published Filters

Depending on a user's security type settings, they may have access to published filters. These are filters created by other users and shared. The name of the filter will appear along with the user id of the owner of the filter.
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