Import Data - Filed Mapping
Field Mapping

Mapped Fields

1. Mapped Fields
The columns of your input data file must be mapped to the appropriate fields in RMTrack. As you Add Mapping the fields and their destinations will be added to the Mapped Fields list. The Command column allows you to Edit or Delete a field mapping.

Add Field Mapping

2. Add Field Mapping
The Data File Field dropdown will contain all the columns in your import file not yet mapped, and the Database Field dropdown will contain all the fields available to map to. Select a field from your data file and map it to a field in RMTrack, then click the Add Mapping button.

Save Mapping File

3. Save Mapping File
You can save the mapping details for reuse by checking the box and providing a mapping name. Make sure to make this name meaningful as you may end up with several different mappings for different uses.

Required Fields

4. Required Fields
You will see a list of Required Fields Mappings. This is the minimum required to create (or update) a record. However, in the case of Issues there may be other fields that are required based on your workflow rules.
NOTE: For Issue updating and creating using the importer it is important to remember that workflow rules will be enforced. Therefore required fields, Resolution/Status combinations etc. must be valid.

Missing Code Table Values

5. Missing Code Table Values
When importing Issues there is an extra option on this page to Create missing code values. This means that if a field on your data file is mapped to a dropdown field in RMTrack, and the incoming value does not exist for that dropdown, the importer will automatically add it to the code table.
WARNING: Care should be taking using this option as data files with spelling mistakes in code value fields can cause unnecessary dropdown values to be added.
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