NOTE: The ability to add and view attachments on an issue is controlled at the group item security level, therefore you may not have access to this feature, or you may only have view access, or you may only be able to add attachments to issues that are assigned to you, or you may be able to add attachments to all issues.
In the top right corner of the Issue Details page is the Attachments section. Any files that have been attached to this issue will be listed. Depending on the site option settings for Attachments, thumbnails may be shown for image files, and the date and time the attachment was added and by what user.
Clicking on the name of the attachment will download the attachment to your browser. How the file is opened and restrictions on downloads are controlled by your browser.
You can attach files to an issue by clicking on the New… link located to the right of the Attachments heading. A new window will pop up allowing you to drag and drop files, or browse for files, to attach to the issue.
To delete an attachment, check the box beside the attachment name. Selected attachments will be deleted when the issue is saved.
NOTE: The default maximum size for an attachment is 10MB and ant file type can be attached. However, site administrators can limit the size and type of attachments from Site Option: Issue Attachments.
where is this