Database Backup
NOTE: Clients of the RMTrack Hosted Service cannot change their Automatic Backup settings. However, hosted clients can use the ‘Backup Now’ feature. To change hosted backup settings, please contact support@rmtrack.com
Database Backup
RMTrack has a completely integrated Backup and Restore process to help ensure that important information is not lost. It should be noted that for any backup process to be truly effective, backups should be stored on a permanent storage device, and not on the same physical drive as the database.
To enable the backup process check the Backup database box and then select the backup frequency and the time of execution. In the next field, define the location where the backups will be stored. To ensure that the backup process does not run out of storage space, you are able to configure backups to be automatically deleted after a period of time.
You can optionally have RMTrack run the SQL DBCC CHECKDB  process which checks the logical and physical integrity of all the objects in the database.
RMTrack also offers the option of manual backups by clicking the Backup Now button. This allows the administrator to periodically create backups. This may be useful if large changes are about to made to the application configuration or maintenance is to be carried out on the database server.
When backups are performed, two separate files are created; a database backup and a log file. An example of a filename for the database backup would be: RMT_db_202410110200.BAK, where RMT is the name of the SQL database. The number represents the date and time of the backup: October 11, 2024 at 02:00.
The associated log file for this backup will be named: BackupLog_202410110200.txt. Note that the date and time are the same as the database backup file.
RMTrack displays a history of the backups on the right side of the backup page. Each history entry shows the date and time of the backup and whether it Succeeded or  Failed. Under each history entry is a link to the backup log for that backup. Clicking on this link will display the log.
NOTE: RMTrack integrated backup and restore feature requires that xp_cmdshell be enabled on the SQL Server. For more information, please click here to read the Microsoft document:
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