Activating Custom Reports
Because the RMTrack custom reporting engine offers the full scope and flexibility of SQL, it is possible to write “reports” that can actually update the database (or in a less secure environment – theoretically update any database on the server).
WARNING: We highly recommend that you involve your database/network professionals when activating the Custom Reports feature. RMTrack Support is also willing to assist with any questions regarding reporting.
To allow for proper database security protocols to be used, the RMTrack custom reporting engine uses a separate database connection string to logon to the SQL server rather than the main application connection.
The regular user interface of RMTrack uses a database connection file called DBConnection.udl to tell the application how to access the RMTrack database. This file is stored in your RMTrack directory (default location is: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\RMT).
To activate Custom Reports a new, and separate, database connection file is required. This new file must be called DbConnectionReporting.udl and must reside in the subfolder called ReportingConnections.
WARNING: It is strongly recommended that this reporting connection file specifies a database user that has reporting capability ONLY. This will eliminate the possibility of the RMTrack database (or any other database on the server) being updated through the custom reporting feature.
Each individual report can also have its own database connection file, allowing different levels of database access for each report. You can create separate database connection files that have the same name as the report e.g. MYREPORT.UDL. When the application attempts to run a report, it will first check to see if the report has its own unique database connection file. If the report has its own database connection files then it will be used to connect to the database. If a report does not have its own database connection file the report will use the default DbConnectionReporting.udl.
By using the above idea of separate access rules for each report it is possible to safely allow the custom reporting system to be used to create "Processes" that actually do updates to the database, and not just reports. We highly recommend talking to RMTrack Support before attempting any update processes.
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