User Profile (My Information)

This page is accessed by clicking on the User ID on the far right of the blue menu bar on any page of RMTrack.

User Profile (My Information)

Name of User

1. Name of User
A user can change their own name. Only Administrators can change a user ID on the User Details page.

E-Mail Address

2. E-Mail Address
Users can update their e-mail address at any time.


3. Passwords
Depending on the set up for each site, different password and security settings may be available.

E-Mail Notifications

4. E-Mail Notifications
Users are able to opt in and out of receiving e-mail notifications from RMTrack.

Preferred Time Zone

All dates and times in RMTrack are stored in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). When dates and times are displayed in RMTrack they are adjusted to each users' Preferred Time Zone.

Out of Office

The Out of Office setting allows the user to temporarily not have issues assigned to them. By selecting the Issues assignments will not be accepted option, no issues can be assigned to this user. If another user attempts to assign an issue to an Out of Office user an error will occur. The error message appears at the top of the issue page:
Please correct the following error
·     User userid is 'Out of Office' and cannot be assigned issues (user's message: message)
You can include a message to be displayed when new assignments are rejected. For example, you may wish to include the user id or name of the person covering for you while you are away.
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