Enter a unique table name. This is an internal table name used by the application.
Organization of Values
At the time the code table is defined you must decide if a code value is dependent on another value; either Project or another code table. If a code table’s values are not dependent on other values then the code table is considered a "global" code table.
NOTE: Once a code table has been defined its organization cannot be changed.
NOTE: If at any time you wish to change the dependency of a code table, please contact support@rmtrack.com for assistance.
The values are the same across all projects
(also known as "global code tables") - A global code table contains a single list of values that apply across all projects. When added to the data entry form as a dropdown field, the list of values will be presented so that the user can select one value to appear in that field. An example of a global code table would be Issue Severity with value of HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW that relate to all issues.
Each project has its own list of values
(also known as "Project Related Code tables") - Project related code tables have a different set of values for each project. As the Project dropdown on the data entry form is changed, the values in the dropdown will change depending on the selected project. Examples of project related code tables might be Build Codes or Modules where each project has its own set of values.
Separate list of values for each entry of
(also know as "Dependent Code Tables") - Code tables can also be defined as dependent on another code table. Like project related code tables which are dependent on the project selected, dependent code tables depend on the value selected in another (dropdown) field. When added to the data entry form, the code table they depend on must also be on the form. Selecting a value from the dropdown of the top level changes the values presented in the dependent dropdown. Dependent code tables can be dependent on a global code table, a project related code table or another dependent code table. This allows for multi-level dependencies to be defined. For example a code table called Sub-Modules can be dependent on the code table Modules which can be dependent on the Project e.g. Project -> Modules -> Sub-Modules.
Friendly Names
You must also provide RMTrack with friendly names (plural and singular) for the table. These friendly names are used to display intuitive names to administrators (regular users do not ever see these names).
Description of Purpose
Enter a sentence or two describing the intended purpose of the code table.
Sorting of Values
RMTrack allows you to define a separate sort order for the code table values i.e. the order they will appear in the dropdown on the data entry form. Sort orders are not required. If no sort order field is used the order will default to alphanumeric.