Issues List
Project: All projects for mshowell 
Filter: V3.2 - Features & Usability
Issue #  Issue Type  Module 
1796Feature RequestSettings
 Ability (site level) to default login page to Keep me logged in
 Project details page is too large when there are lots of users
2026Feature RequestLogin
 The keep me logged in feature has a potential security problem
1899Feature RequestLayout
 Project level Layouts
2021Feature RequestJob Scheduler
 A mechanism to run a scheduled jobs from the command line (backups, incoming email, outgoing email, issue escalation)
1982Feature RequestJob Scheduler
 Re-Write of the RMTrack Scheduling Service for .NET
1927Feature RequestInstallation
 With v3.2 we will no longer be supporting Windows 2000 (installer will actively deny installation on win2000).
1896Feature RequestInstallation
 Rewrite of RMtrack Installer to allow upgrading (i.e. old version no longer needs to be 'removed' prior to install)
 Group page is too large when there are lots of users
 Ability (site level) to allow the default filter to be other than "Assigned to me"
1898Feature RequestFilter
 Project level Filters
1974Feature RequestField Level Security
 Include access to associated records (attachments, related items, subscriptions and history) in field level security
1999Feature RequestError Handling
 Log server events from RMTrack to a separate log file.
1953Feature RequestE-Mail templates
 Add an HTML Editor to the E-Mail Template Maintenance page
1997UsabilityE-Mail template details
 Sort the list of "Available Fields" in alpha order (email tamplate page)
2004Feature RequestDatabase schema
 Add an IssueResolutionStateHistory table to facilitate reporting
1942UsabilityDatabase Export
 "Housekeeping" on Database Export: Disable emails (in and out) and scheduled bakups and clear user passwords.
1843UsabilityDatabase Export
 Include triggers in Database Export
2015UsabilityCustom Reporting
 Increase the number of available rows numbers from 5 to 10 in a custom report layout
1969UsabilityCustom Reporting
 Warning on Custom Reporting when reporting connection is pointing to a different database than the main application
1465Feature RequestCustom Reporting
 Add a code editor for the SQL Query box
1959UsabilityActiveX Controls
 Add ability to download ActiveX controls from "My Info" page
1954UsabilityActiveX Controls
 User Security Type should control whether users download ActiveX Controls or not
1895Feature Request.NET
 Migration of RMTrack code to .NET - Phase I (Administration pages)