Issues List
Project: rmt 
Filter: V3.0 - Bugs Corrected
Issue #  Issue Type  Module  Severity  Detected in Build 
Summary: When on the Rules tab of the Resolution properties the focus for the mouse scroll wheel is on the General Tab.
Steps: 1. In a workflow click on a resolution box to open the properties. (Mouse scroll wheel changes the resolution).
2. Click on the Rules tab. (Mouse scroll wheel appears to not function).
3. Go back to General tab and the resolution has changed (mouse scroll whell changed it).
739CodingIssue DetailsLow2.1.0
Summary: Returning to Release Notes from Issue Details using the Navigation controls, the selected layout is lost.
Steps: 1. Go to release notes.
2. Select a layout other than default.
3. Select an issue.
4. Return to release notes by clicking 'Release' on navigation buttons.
5. Layout is set back to 'Default'
Summary: Workflow drawing context settings are not saved with the workflow
Steps: 1. Bring to front works but is not save.
2. Curve transition line is not saved.
881CodingNew IssueHigh2.0.0
Summary: When the Resolution is changed the issue details page should always refresh
Steps: The resolution can change the required fields (*) so we need to always refresh when the resolution is changed.
1. Currently the page does not refresh for Administrators.
2. Also does not refresh if user has override workflow.
929CodingMy IssuesLow2.3.0
Summary: Problem with My Issues List display when layout only has one field in first row.
Steps: Display is incorrect. Please see attachment.
950CodingSummary TrendsHigh2.3.3
Summary: Summary Trends report can cause IE browsers to crash
Steps: Run the report and as it is 'loading' select "Closed Issues" (on the right). IE Crashes - see attachment.
Workaround: Wait until the graph data has loaded before selecting other graph options.
962CodingIssue Details2.3.0
Summary: When Return to Sender is selected from Resolution dropdown, Status is not updated on the issue details page.
Steps: When Return to sender is selected the page is refreshed and the Assign to field displays the user the issue is being 'returned to'.
The Status field should also be changed to reflect the status the issue will be in when 'returned'.
1007CodingActiveX ControlsHigh2.4.1
Summary: Cannot clear date field using IE ActiveX Control
Steps: Under IE with ActiveX a date field cannot be cleared i.e. set to null.
Workaround is to use a non-IE browser to clear the date (or IE with ActiveX turned off).
Summary: If compression is turned on in IIS the workflow diagram may not download or save
Steps: By turning on compression in IIS the transfer of data to/from the workflow diagram can fail.
If the download fails the diagram never loads. If the upload fails an "Unexpected error" is reported when saving the workflow diagram.
1031CodingDaily SummaryHigh2.4.2
Summary: There is a "year-end" bug when reporting on Last Month.
Steps: Results for "Last Month" include all issues for last year. This appears to be due to last month being last year.
Summary: Overwriting an existing virtual directory may still fail
Steps: The overwrite logic was not fully supressing errors. Hard to test... maybe reset the IWAM user password, restart IIS and try the installation.
Summary: It appears that the locking and/or transaction scoping is incorrect
Steps: The code calls for a pessimistic lock... but this does not appear to be what is occurring.
Sikorsky reported teh following error:
An RMTrack component logged: ItsServerLib.dll (thread: 5812) encountered an unexpected error: Row cannot be located for
updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read. (-2147217864), line 169 of Database.DoIssueEscalation
1077CodingE-Mail ServiceCrash2.5.0
Summary: Locking is incorrect
Steps: If two jobs are running and pointing at the same database a locking error can occur.
Summary: Filters and searches that contain brace brackets - { or } - do not work.
Steps: This was a generalized search failure. Nothing to do with the content of the search (ie. all searchs were failing).
Summary: Upgrading to an UNLIMITED user license from an active trial license does not work.
Steps: An error "named user licenses exceeded" occurs. All user records have been changed to named and all users (except administrator) are disabled.
Summary: Resolution codes should always present using the sort order field.
Steps: The list of resolutions in the dropdown should always use the sort order code if available.
1. This is not the case on the issue list page (mass reassign)
2. On the issue details page, if the user is administrator or has override workflow.
Summary: When using Previous Asignee (automatic assignment) it is possible that the user may not be in a eligible group.
Steps: The case is that the previous assignee may not be in a group that is eligible to have the issue assigned to them i.e. the previous
assignee is DV but the issue is going to 'To be Tested' and DV is not eligible. Currently the workflow allows the issue to be assigned
to the previous assignee even though they are not a member of an eligible group.
1154CodingWorkflow EnforcementLow2.5.5
Summary: Workflow Configuration Problem - Users: The logic appears to only be checking the first (alpha) Issue Create scenario...
Steps: In the workflow, you allow a group to create issues from both Issue Create boxes, the second one (that goes directly to “To be Fixed”) can be assigned to a DV group member and there is a member of DV – so that SHOULD work. It appears that the program is only looking a the FIRST Issue Create that goes to “New” and you do not have any users in the PM or QA group that can have the issue assigned to them in that path.
Summary: Currently the workflow modeller allows a transition (arrow) to be created from a Resolution box back to "Issue Create".
Steps: Issue Create is not a valid resolution state and issues should not be able to be moved there. THis also causes errors in the automatic excalation process.
Summary: Non-alpha characters in a filter name causes the filter to not select from the dropdown
Steps: Specifically a problem has been identified with a "+" in the filter name. The filter appears in the filter dropdown list but selecting it does not change the current filter.
Summary: Deleting Resolution codes from the code table values can cause an invalid workflow to be created.
Steps: As resolution codes are deleted from a code table, they are also removed from any workflows they exist in. This can create a workflow that only contains an issue create state. This is an invalid workflow and will cause an unexpected error on issue create for any project using the invalid workflow.
1211CodingCustom code tablesCrash2.5.8
Summary: Long code table names cause a crash
Steps: Code table names are supposed to allow for 50 characters. However if a name of more than 22 characters is entered if not using a sort order, or more than 40 if using a sort order, the creation will crash.
1212CodingCustom FieldsHigh2.5.8
Summary: Maximum length of a field name should be 30 and not 20
Steps: SQL allows for 30, and 20 can be a bit limiting.
Summary: IE7 Crashes when refresh is clicked after adding a project with the Project Wizard
Steps: After creating a new project with the Project Wizard the project page should refresh. It does not. If the refresh button is clicked IE7 will crash.
1241CodingIssue DetailsHigh2.5.8
Summary: Support clean error messages from SQL trigger
Steps: Defining a issue update/create trigger allows for very advanced custom errors... but needs a better message display.
1243CodingWorkflow EnforcementHigh2.5.8
Summary: Reassign to Original Creator does not work for Public Users
Steps: Noticed in RMTrackSupport - cannot use workflow path that assigns the issue to original creator with public users - most likely because Public users are not "explicitly" members of a project. Note: if the workflow is "to any member of" only public groups are included, it recognizes all public users as members of the project i.e. this works.
Summary: Cannot enter Group Codes greater than 20 characters
Steps: Even though the database column is 50 characters and documentation states 50 characters
Summary: Workflow property windows that show listboxes appear scrolled to the bottom
Steps: When opening a property window the list boxes are automatically scrolled to the last entry. They should be scrolled to the top.
Summary: Don't show the details link for history if they can't access history
Steps: Don't show users what they can't access.
Summary: On the Automatic Transitions properties "past" should be "passed"
Steps: On the "after this date and time has past...."
1272CodingMy IssuesHigh2.5.8
Summary: Layout names with special characters (e.g. &) can cause the layout to behave incorrectly.
Steps: If you have a layout name with an '&' in it and then click on a column heading to sort, the layout reverts to Default.
Workaround: Rename lyaout to not have special characters.
1276CodingSummary TrendsHigh2.5.9
Summary: The Total Closed graph line is incorrect
Steps: Best seen when working with a workflow where all issues flow towards a Closed resolution state (and never out of a closed resolution state).
Summary: Layouts with 10 rows do not display correctly.
Steps: If you define a Layout with 10 rows, the first issue is displayed properly but each subsequent issue is increasingly indented.
9 rows or less works fine.
Work-Around: Don't use 10 row layouts.
1294CodingActiveX ControlsHigh2.5.9
Summary: Required field checking (client side) is not working for date fields under IE with ActiveX
Steps: When an issue is saved with a missing date that is a required field, the error is not caught until the server side validation
i.e. an error appears at the top of page instead of a dialogue box error.
This only appears to happen under IE with ActiveX
1404CodingDaily SummaryLow2.5.9
Summary: The daily summary does not 'always' sort by user id
Steps: Please see attached screen shot from Sikorsky (ignore second shot - different issue)
1410CodingE-Mail templatesLow2.5.9
Summary: Code table fields are not resolving correctly in email notifications (numeric values)
Steps: Create an email template that reports a code table value in the email.
Set the values in the code table to include 3.0.
Use 3.0 in the issue that triggers the email.
The email contains 3 (i.e. the 'number' is truncated losing the .0)
1495CodingSummary TrendsHigh2.5.9
Summary: Summary Trends not showing results when a pre-filter is being used.
Steps: All other reports seem ok but No Data... appears under Summary Trends when a pre-filter is used.
For example please see CMATEST site. This error was noticed in that demo site but the problem still exisits in V3.0.0
1518CodingNew IssueHigh2.5.9
Summary: When Copy... issue is used and the user does not have rights to create an issue in the project, project related code tables are not correct
Steps: If a user copies a project but does not have rights to create an issue in that project a wanring message appears to inform the user that the issue will default to the first project that the user has rights to create an issue in. This is correct.

However, any project related code tables still contain the values from the 'old' old project. Attmepting to save the copied issues results in an unexpected error. See attachment.
1541CodingSite OptionsCrash2.5.9
Summary: Using single (apostrophe) or double quotes in the Name for Issues (or projects) causes problems...
Steps: Problems with:
Crash in Workflow and Issue Distribution
Problems with New Project creation (wizard)
Issue Numbering Site Option